Why You Should Ditch Your Car More Often
When it's time to go somewhere, it's common to hop into your car without thinking about other options. However, ditching your car is a great way to get to know your city and sneak more exercise into your day. Here are some other reasons to leave your car behind once in a while.Physical Movement
Your body was made to move, and sitting behind the wheel of a car for long periods of time isn't great for you. Instead, walk to a bus or train station. It would be even better if you could bike or w
Apr 16th 2020
Tips for Expanding Your Vegetable Garden
If you’re a person who wants to be living a healthy lifestyle, it’s important to think about what foods go into your body. Growing fresh vegetables is a great way to get healthy nutrients that you need for your body to function optimally. However, you might end up needing more room for your vegetable garden than you had originally anticipated. If you are thinking about expanding your vegetable garden, try the following tips to get started.Planning Out Logistics
The first step that you need
Feb 18th 2020
What You Can Do to Prevent Your Skin From Aging Prematurely
We all age eventually. However, when you take proper precautions, you can help your skin look as young as possible and prevent premature aging. Here are some of the things you can start doing now that will have you thanking yourself in the future when you see smoother, healthier skin reflecting back at you from the mirror.Protect Yourself in the Sun
If you're someone who doesn't get sunburned easily, you’re probably not taking enough precautions when it comes to the sun. Skin cancer develop
Jan 31st 2020
Simple Ways to Reduce Your Exposure to Toxins in Your Home
Toxins in the home can come in many different forms. There are toxins that are released from things like new carpet and countertops. There are chemicals in your cleaning products that can be harmful to your health. You also have environmental toxins to think about, like pollution. If you are looking to live a healthier lifestyle and to reduce your exposure to toxins, there are some simple changes that you can make within your home.Use Filters
There are a few different types of filters that
Nov 2nd 2019
The Health Benefits of Having a Hot Tub at Home
Heat therapy is a great way to relax and boost your wellness at the same time. A quality hot tub can round out your home and provide a place for family and friends to gather and socialize while sharing in the health benefits that the hot tub provides. Americans invest in hot tubs for a variety of reasons, including their health-promoting properties; hot tubs benefit health in a number of scientifically proven ways. Here are a few ways that hot tubs improve health and possibly even help with c
Oct 7th 2019